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Getting started

wiki-tui is a simple and easy-to-use Wikipedia text user interface written in rust. The package already is in a few package repositories with more coming but you can also compile it from source if you want.


After installing wiki-tui with your preferred method you can start it with wiki-tui.


You can find the package in the nixpkgs repository. Either install it with

nix-env -iA wiki-tui

Get it temporarily to try it out

nix-shell -p wiki-tui

Or add it to your configuration.


As root, run

xbps-install -S wiki-tui

with the main repos installed. Works on glibc and musl installations.


Using the package manager

pkgin install wiki-tui

Building from source

cd /usr/pkgsrc/www/wiki-tui
make install


Using the package manager

pkg install wiki-tui

Building from source

cd /usr/ports/www/wiki-tui/
make install clean


If wiki-tui cannot be installed with your package manager, you can also install it with cargo. There are no extra dependencies (except rust of course).

cargo install wiki-tui

If you want, you can also use the latest development version from GitHub (can be unstable)

cargo install --git


wiki-tui can be directly used from the GitHub repository by cloning it into a folder on your system and compiling it from source. This can be useful if you want to try out the latest version without installing it directly on your system.

git clone
git clone
gh repo clone Builditluc/wiki-tui
External Dependencies of different backends

When trying out a different backend, check if the backend requires any external dependencies